Your core competence is Food Packaging.

Your core competence is Food Packaging.

Ours is manufacturing
the USDA and FDA rollers
for Your machines.

With You, we share our experience of nearly 10 years
in producing USDA and FDA grade for rollers.

Because of poor roller performance, machine down-time might be high
- Due to high wear on the roller covering
- Bonding failure as a reaction to heat

We have the solution:
- Our USDA and FDA material have been
  developed to resist the abrasion
- Our bonding agents resist the operating
  temperature of a Zipper applicator

Scrap ratio
Scrap ratio may add substantially costs to Your production
- Inconsistent quality of the parts You are using
  creates a risk and is expensive

We have the solution:
- We supply You the complete rollers
  custom-made to Your specifications
- Our control system guarantees You consistency
in quality

With You, we work together to find the best solution for Your needs.

I am Heather, Customer Care, let's talk!
