FAQ: How to find out what rubber covering is on our roller?

We hear this frequently from companies:
For our machine setup or process optimization, we need to know what rubber covering we run in our application but we can't get this information!
What can we do to find out what rubber covering is on our roller?

Our answer: 
We offer you a free service.

What you do:
Mail us an approximately 1/2" square and 1/8" thick piece that you cut from your roller.
For our information add the
  • application of the roller
  • its core diameter
  • covered diameter and
  • its face length
What you get:
  • The information on the actual covering
  • Our opinion if this covering is the best choice for your application
  • Our solution for your roller

Did we say this service isn't free but we will NOT charge you for it?

FAQ: Do you guys do tires, too?

A: No, we don't but here is an animated and easy to follow video how a tire is produced.

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