I am no different than most of us: I like my coffee my way and every morning.
As a business owner it is my responsibility to take a timeout at least once a year to work on questions such as:
- What has been changing (around us) in the last 12 months?
How have we responded or didn't we at all?
- Are any signs 'out there' of upcoming changes?
How prepared are we and how will we respond to them?
- ....
Changes are my daily reality at Alrol and they come in different categories. To separate one from the other, this prayer helps me a lot to invest my energy at the 'right' places:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
The Serenity Prayer after Reinhold Niebuhr
A change may improve Your rollers
Running rollers in Your operations, a change in cover material or in quality of the rollers
may result in:
- longer life of the rollers
- higher production rate
- lower scrap ratio
- increase of product quality
Alrol's Team would be very happy to work with You and Your engineers to optimize Your rollers' performance.
I wish You a sunny fall.
Thank You!